Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I love conference

Hello Family:)
I miss you! But things are going really well.
This week we had a lot of great things happen that kept us away from the work, so that was sad but man oh man i love the temple and conference!
So since we are half way around the world we have conference a whole week later! It was amazing to hear from the prophets and apostles. I love listening to their council. I really like the talks that mentioned love. To express love in word and deed. DO NOT LET ANY CORRUPT COMMUNICATION  PROCEED OUT OF YOUR MOUTH. I also really liked the talk on pornography and her amazingly strong testimony at the end. wow. those words that she said about the strength of the book of mormon is something that i've been striving to know how to put into words and she did it so perfectly. If you have not watched or listened to conference, i so urge you to now. It truly has strengthened my testimony of the Savior. I also love the words of Elder Holland, He said he knew that the Savior lived more than he knew that those people sat before him at that conference. That is the strongest witness i have ever heard. I know too, that the Savior lives, and i will continue to strengthen my testimony more and more until i have that strong conviction as well, and then i will carry on strengthening until i see him myself someday! :)
We went to the temple on thursday this week. What a lovely experience we had to feel the spirit of our Heavenly Father. It's a wonderful place to be. Although i didn't have as a great of experience as i had last time we went, it was still nice to be there.
Jordon is progressing well. He understands the doctrine, reasons and blessings so clearly.  It truly amazes me every time we teach him just how well he understands. We taught him word of wisdom this week and he understood the blessings at the end of D&C 89 better than i ever have! i was so impressed. i can't even remember how he said it, but it was so perfect. He's been through it, so he understands why God would give us such a commandment.
John, Gina and calias all came to a family home evening last monday! Yay! we finally got them out of the house. John had just got back from work and was really tired but gina and calias convinced him to come. We decided to lead the way, so we wouldn't loose them, incase they tried to change their minds along the way. (which did almost happen at one turn, but he kept coming, thank goodness). We had it at our ward mission leaders home.  Sister stanford shared a lovely message and then we played games to get to know each other and have fun. We played a game called signs where you pass the sign around and the person in the middle has to guess who has it. sometimes you can see it being passed. John was such a crack up during this!!! ha we would pass it right in front of him and tell him we had it and he didn't notice! ha He was the one complaining but i swear he had the most fun. so many laughs were shared that night! i love them! please keep praying for them.
After conference 
we had some lessons and i swear we were so bold in them it was crazy! We basically told them that there was no point in learning from us if they weren't going to change. Our purpose is to help them change to follow the Savior and have more happy and fulfilling  lives. They both agreed to continue learning and showed a desire to change. This was arohaina and kura.
i love being a missionary! Thanks for all your prayers and love and sacrifice!
Sister Bird

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