Wednesday, October 16, 2013

We forgot about an appointment....but it was a blessing ....

Kia ora Family! So this week went by slow but really fast too! I've been having a hard time this week wanting to go out and work all day. It's a tough thing. I love the work especially when i'm doing it and especially when we are teaching lessons to people who are progressing but satan has really been getting me down, as in i just never feel like going out to work. so i've been praying A LOT for that to change! We did have a good week tho, many miracles happened. First one i want to share is quite interesting. So there is this lady named pam that we have been trying to teach who is really interested but they are always busy. So finally we got an appointment with them and Sister prince and i studied and prepared and role played the best we could for this lesson. We went out and started talking with everyone before we were to go to the lesson. WE got caught up in talking with everyone that we completely forgot about our lesson and it was already time to go to the vc. While we were at the vc we had a lesson with Casey and in the middle of the Joseph Smith movie i realized what had happened. I whispered to S. Prince about what we did and we instantly started laughing at how stupid we were. We tried to keep it under control because we were in a lesson, but it was hard to. I felt so bad and thought how foolish can i be to forget our lesson. We've been looking forward to this for quite some time. That night we felt awful about ourselevs and gorged on chocolate. Each time we opened another lolly or chocolate we thought and said " might as well".. ha so funny! how pathetic! ha We called them and they didn't answer so we left a message. We stopped by the next day and they weren't home so we left a note. they texted us later and seemed like nothing was wrong. Thank goodness. i was so ashamed to tell them what had happened so we left out the part that we forgot and just apologized for not coming. I thought, we are missionaries we can't look irresponsible. i felt bad. but all was okay and they were ready to set up another appointment. As we were out that day, i saw a house that had a picture of Jesus hanging on their wall, so we knocked on it. They didn't seem like they were excited to see us but in the end they were members. it was a weird experience. ha After our lesson we asked for referrals and the lady who was their but didn't live there gave us some she wanted us to go see. it was pam and ammon(la partner). This lady was the aunt of ammon and had been reaching out to pam and said she was already being taught by sisters but would love a visit from us. We ended up being the sisters. Our next appointment with pam was supposed to be on tuesday but the lady, nikki, had aleady planned with pam to take her into the vc the next day. that was when we were on shift. so they did come in and we were able to teach her about the plan of salvation with the help of nikki. It was so amazing, she just got so excited about all the things we were teaching and they all made sense and she said that they were familiar to her. If we had remembered out lesson, then this amazing lesson wouldn't have happened. It needed to happen the way it did because although we had prepared we really weren't that ready. Everything went according to God's plan and was much better than our plan! Such a cool experience. We have a lesson with her tomorrow and i won't be there because we have exchanges but i'm excited to hear how it goes! she is so golden! The other day we were teaching a LA and some of her relative came in. As i sat there this man came over and tried kissing my companion. she had not experienced this yet, so it was quite commical to see her be surprised. ha then i received a kiss as well (on the cheek of course). Also, while we were there she gave us a hot drink, everyone offers those, this was hot chocolate. Oh boy was it hot! ha Sister princes tongue and mine are both scorched still!! it hurts! ha So the other day when the saturday morning session of conference had ended we were coming out of the chapel and a man was looking for someone. He had come a long way to find his long lost grandpa. He had been adopted and wanted to find his roots. As we helped him, we took him back to the vc and were able to take us around. When we first started talking with him and teaching him he kept saying "yep" like right after everything we were saying which gives me the impression that they really don't want to listen. But was we went on and taught him all about Jesus Christ and why he is important, about the plan of salvation and also the restoration and modern day prophets, by the end he loved it and thought it was so cool! the lord has prepared him for more than one reason to come to temple view to find him grandpa. One of the reasons he listened was because his grandpa was a mormon and he wasn't sure what he would talk to him about. it was so cool to see the countenance of this man change and see how the Lord prepares people to hear of his gospel. I love being the Lords mouthpiece. Casey and Donnel are doing well. they are a crack up and they say that they don't want to speak the way they speak, like "ghetto" language around us because they don't think we'd do that. ha they want to be like us. it's so cool! ha I love them and casey is progressing nicely. She still hasn't committed to baptism because she wants to make sure she knows everything and what she's getting herself into. She came to conference and loved it, but was uncomfortable with a few things they said. She hasn't told us yet, but one was elder oaks talk on chastity. So we'll see what happens. ha Its scary to bring investigators to things like that. its good but also scary because the prophets don't beat around the bush. Which is something S. Prince and i have been doing too much. We are going to practice being more blunt. This is the only way that we can return to live with God again and there is no other way, no matter what people think or believe. So there has got to be a good way to say it that will touch their hearts and not push them away! ha we'll see.. any advice? I know this work is true, i love it and i feel it. I loved conference by the way! so amazing! my favorite talks.. Elder utchdorf and elder ballard were amazing! i loved those ones! i also like elder dube. he was good! Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith! come join with us! also, the invitation to share the gospel with someone before Christmas. He invited us to kneel to pray that god will send someone that we can share the gospel with and his promise was that millions will feel the love of God. We will feel more abundantly God's love for us and for them! what an amzing promise! i encourage you all to act on the invitation! God is calling all of us to reach out and save the world. time is running out. It may not be time for that person, they may not be ready right now, but if you do it they will never forget how they felt! i know that is true! I love you all! Sister Bird

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